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Bali Becomes One of the Most Visited Destinations in the World by Tourists

JAKARTA, – Bali is one of the most visited locations in the world during 2018. This was stated in the annual index published by MasterCard .

Bali is ranked 19th in the index. Estimated tourist arrivals (tourists) to the Island of the Gods, based on the study, around 8 million visitors, or 8.26 million to be exact.

Based on the report, the number of tourists visiting Bali was slightly above Hong Kong with an estimated 8.23 ​​million international visitors last year.

The index estimates the average length of tourist visits to Bali around 8.6 days. The average cost spent during their vacation in Bali is around 125 US dollars or Rp 1.7 million per day.

Based on the latest MasterCard report, the largest origin of international tourists to Bali was China by 22.4 percent, Australia by 19.3 percent, and India by 5.8 percent.

In the Asia Pacific, Bali ranks 9th as the most visited destination. While the top positions are occupied by Bangkok, Singapore with 14.7 million visitors, and Kuala Lumpur with 13.8 million visitors.

Shopping for foreign tourists

The same report also explained the correlation between the large number of tourists and the opportunity to work in tourism. The more the number of tourists and money spent in tourist destinations, the greater the support for jobs in tourism in these locations.

The report shows for Bali, every 1,000 tourists who spend the night there, is equal to supporting 409 jobs. This figure makes Bali occupy tourist destinations with the highest number of jobs supported by tourists.

However, it is worth noting that this possibility is due to lower worker wages and the fact that tourists who visit the Island of the Gods also tend to spend a lot of money. In the report, only US $ 2,620 or Rp 37 million from tourism income was needed to support a job in that field in Bali.

Do not want to be complacent

Although there are many reports stating Bali as a favorite tourist destination, it does not necessarily make Bali become complacent. Head of Marketing and Promotion of the Bali Tourism Office Dewa Ayu Laksmi said, the predicate was originally to make the Balinese government improve to provide infrastructure that is more ready.

“It’s okay for people to give awards , give ratings, but what’s important is how we manage this little Bali Island as a destination for world tourist destinations,” Ayu said when contacted , Saturday (07/08/2019).

In terms of quantity, Bali is one of the destinations that attract the most tourists in Indonesia. However, airports in Bali have limited capacity.

According to Ayu, the service is often not optimal because of the high number of tourists out of balance with the available supporting infrastructure. Thus, instead of trying to attract as many tourists as possible, Ayu assessed that Bali should first prepare themselves with appropriate facilities to accommodate them.

First, we must clean up. The most important thing for us, how can this be sustainable by carrying out cultural tourism,” Ayu said. “So it’s OK if anyone gives a rating, just glance. But don’t fall asleep because of that,” he continued.

