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China Encourages Entrepreneurs to Invest in Bali and NTB

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The Chinese government will hold an investment forum in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara in November 2019. The meeting was aimed at convincing Chinese entrepreneurs to invest in three small Sunda provinces, namely West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), NTT, and Bali.

Chinese Consulate General in Denpasar, Bali Gou Hadong said the forum would bring together dozens of investors from the Bamboo Curtain country with entrepreneurs from the three provinces. Previously, he continued, a number of investors from China had visited NTT and wanted to invest there.

Then, the visit was returned by former NTT Governor Frans Lebu Raya who also came to China so that entrepreneurs there would invest in NTT.

Unfortunately, the visit has not produced results. Meanwhile, one of the obstacles is the communication problem between Chinese entrepreneurs and prospective partners in Indonesia.

“The main obstacle is Human Resources (HR) who can communicate, especially in terms of language,” Gao said as quoted by Antara on Monday (9/9).

Then, another obstacle is regulation. Gao said that Chinese entrepreneurs lack understanding of government policies in the region as well as developments in NTT. Therefore, he promised to clarify the problems faced by Chinese investors in the investment forum in the next two months.

“Then also there may be investment policies that are less attractive to entrepreneurs, so they cannot invest yet,” he concluded.

Data from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) show the realization of Chinese investment in the first semester of 2019 reached US $ 2.28 billion. This figure takes a portion of 16.08 percent of the total Foreign Investment (PMA) in the same period of US $ 14.18 trillion.

