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Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association ( PHRI ) issued a guidebook containing hotel and restaurant protocols that will be applied during the New Normal period. PHRI Secretary General Maulana Yusran said, this guidebook applies both to the internal parties of the hotel namely employees and staff, as well as external to the guests, vendors , suppliers and others. “All protocols are almost the same, covering all people associated with the hotel. For example related to body temperature, people entering the hotel must be below 37.3 degrees Celsius, their ethical issues such as cough ethics, continue to have to wear masks, disinfectants, hand sanitizers , “Maulana said when contacted , Wednesday (06/03/2020). This manual is a minimum guideline standard that must be applied to prevent the spread of corona virus or Covid-19.

Furthermore, Maulana explained that entrepreneurs or hotel and restaurant management can create more detailed prevention guidelines, according to the policies of each company. “Just how to set it up, the step by step depends on the company. For example, employees from going to work, he must quarantine first. So he does not immediately come to work, together maintain the essence. The healthy lifestyle we apply to employees,” he explained. Maulana also said, this guidebook was divided into a number of hospitality divisions or departments. For example, there are hotel guides for the operational and back office sections .

The hotel guide for the operational section is further divided into 11 sections governing departments and employees, for example the Food and Beverage (F&B) Service department, the engineering and maintenance department , security section employees and others. As for the back office hotel guide, among others, regulate the sales department, marketing and communications department, human resources, and finance.

However, he said the hotel does not have to force itself to have a department as written in the guidebook, in order to implement the protocol. “That’s the guide we make globally, just what hotel size has . If he has all the divisions or departments, just use it, but if you don’t have all the divisions, just choose which division he has. For example housekeeping , he must have “Yes, that must be carried out later,” explained Maulana. He also added that this guide could be applied not only to star hotels but also to non-star hotels or jasmine. PHRI Chairperson Hariyadi Sukamdani in the guidebook also said, for hotels or restaurants that do not have the complexity of facilities or departments according to this guide, they are welcome to adjust to their individual needs. “The new normal general guidelines for hotels and restaurants in Covid-19 prevention based on positive and continuous thinking are divided into two parts, namely the minimum hotel operational guidelines for Covid-19 prevention including restaurants in hotels, and the guidelines for restaurant minimum operational standards,” wrote Hariyadi in the introduction to the guidebook.

