The first debate of the candidates for governor and vice governor (cagub and cawagub) of Bali Province 2024-2029 was held on Wednesday (30/10) with the theme “Formatting Bali towards Sustainable Tourism”. If observed closely, this theme is cliché and not challenging, because the theme is general and is very familiar to the people who live in Bali as an international tourism destination. Because this term is so familiar, it turns out that many parties forget the essence contained in the concept of sustainable tourism. It’s like there are two friends who have known each other for a long time by their nicknames, but don’t know the real names on their ID cards, aka they know their faces but don’t know their true personal identities.

The terminology of sustainable tourism is simply defined as maintaining equal opportunities in the use of natural and cultural resources as well as man-made resources for the present and future generations. The use of natural, cultural and human creativity assets for the tourism sector must be balanced, not only benefiting the community that is currently…

Source: Translated from BaliPost

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